Where am I?

The website just got a new look yaaaaaay

Hi there, this project is an effort to make your studying a little less painful. Edexcel Math Solution Banks was never available in pdf format, you could only open it on Internet Explorer 6 YIKESSS, which is not even supported anywhere anymore.
Now you can have your pdfs and open it on any computer/mac or even your phone, better yet you can just download the program I created that allows you to easily select the problem you need a solution for.

View Online

On a hurry on the phone? just view them online

By Chapter By Problem


You can download pdfs in multiple forms or download a program to view the solution banks.



Why donate? It took me a very long time (2 months) to complete this project, the website needs money to run (hosting a server and domain registration),(i.e I haz to pay the billz). Make the world a better place, motivate people to do good(the world really needs that) and allow your fellow students to access knowledge and make their lifes easier!

The website gets hundreds of hits everyday, but very small amount of donors.


Donation Hall Of Fame:
These mighty people have all helped make the world a better place.
  • Zayn Khamisa

  • Leah Grant

  • Havoc Edits

  • Fzeelah Rajput

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